This chapter provides information about the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) process which is a local multi-agency meeting aimed at protecting victims of domestic abuse, stalking and so called ‘honour’ based abuse through a range of multi-agency interventions.
1. Introduction
A Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) is a local, multi-agency victim focused meeting where professionals meet to share information on high risk cases of domestic abuse.
Information about the risks faced by those victims, the actions needed to ensure safety, and the resources available locally are discussed, and used to create a risk management plan involving all agencies. The MARAC is part of a coordinated response to domestic abuse, incorporating representatives from statutory, community and voluntary agencies working with victims, adults experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect, children and alleged perpetrators.
The MARAC aims to:
- safeguard adult victims who are at high risk of future domestic abuse;
- share information to increase the safety, health and wellbeing of victims / survivors and their children;
- determine whether the alleged perpetrator poses a significant risk to any particular individual or to the general community;
- work towards addressing and managing the behaviour of the person causing harm;
- to evaluate effective information sharing to enable appropriate actions to be taken to increase public safety;
- construct and jointly implement a risk management plan that provides professional support to all those at risk and that reduces the risk of harm;
- to make links with other public protection arrangements in relation to children, adults who are experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect and people causing harm;
- reduce repeat victimisation;
- safeguard agency staff;
- improve agency accountability; and
- improve support for staff involved in high risk domestic abuse cases.
At the heart of a MARAC is a working assumption that no single agency or individual can see the complete picture of the life of a person who is at risk, but all may have insights that are crucial to their safety, as part of the coordinated community response to domestic abuse.
2. MARAC Attendance
The MARAC consists of a core group of professionals, representing the statutory and voluntary sectors. The meeting involves contribution and commitment from agencies including police, probation, children’s social care, adult social care (mental health, safeguarding adults), health, education, housing, substance misuse services, and specialist domestic abuse services. Other agencies can attend as required, when they have involvement in a case which is being discussed.
The victim does not attend the meeting, nor the perpetrator or Crown Prosecution Service.
3. Independent Domestic Violence Advisors
Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Victims subject to MARAC will be offered the support of an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA), a trained specialist, to advocate on their behalf and support them through the process. The IDVA is independent from the police and is employed by Victim Support.
The IDVA will attempt to make contact and arrange face to face meetings, in a confidential manner, with the victim within 24 to 48 hours of referral. This is a voluntary process and cannot be enforced. The aim is to help the victim make informed choices.
While the IDVA will act as a voice between the victim and any actions agreed within the MARAC process, their primary role is to offer impartial and independent support in addition to practical safety planning for the victim and their families. They will also ensure comprehensive support around criminal prosecution processes, by communicating with police as well as the courts with a view to creating a strong sense of trust and reassurance.
4. Making a Referral to MARAC
Referrals can be made by any agency that identifies that a victim of domestic abuse is high risk.
A DASH Risk Checklist (See Section 5 below) enables a practitioner to determine the level of risk posed to the victim.
Irrespective of the origins of the referring agency it is the same accepted practice for the MARAC forms, including DASH to be uploaded onto the Trafford SharePoint System. There is no requirement for contact with Greater Manchester Police MARAC Coordinators unless there is an administrative need, a MARAC transfer across division or outside force or in the event of an emergency MARAC meeting. The forms also remain the same across agency use.
Safeguarding staff can refer to the MARAC if the risk of domestic abuse is found to be high. The MARAC may also make a referral to safeguarding if someone has care and support needs.
5. DASH Checklist
See Resources for Identifying the Risks Victims face (Safelives)
The DASH Checklist is for all professionals working with victims of domestic abuse, stalking and harassment and so called honour based abuse. If practitioners are working with victims of domestic abuse, they should complete the checklist as necessary. The DASH Checklist gathers relevant information about the person’s circumstances in order to assess the risk posed to them. All practitioners working with victims of domestic abuse should be trained in understanding abuse and how to use the checklist.
6. Interface with Safeguarding Adults
When deciding whether MARAC or safeguarding is the most appropriate process for a particular case, consideration should be given as to which process is most relevant in order to be able to resolve the issue. All involved professionals should discuss and agree the most appropriate process.
Referrals and involvement in both processes at the same time may result in confusion and duplication. Whichever process is followed, the main priority is always the safety and wellbeing of the adult (and any other adults at risk / children involved). Multi-agency safeguarding planning will be key in whatever process is used.
At MARAC meetings the adult will not be present (as may also be the case for safeguarding meetings); however either an IDVA or a victim support worker will be present to advocate on behalf of the adult.
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) may also need to be considered in relation to an offender (see Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements). Again, consideration needs to be given by all professionals as the most appropriate process.
When considering a referral to MARAC or adult safeguarding, professionals from any agency should adhere to these procedures and work to ensure the best interest of the adult.