CQC Quality Statements

Theme 1 – Working with People: Assessing needs

We statement

We maximise the effectiveness of people’s care and treatment by assessing and reviewing their health, care, wellbeing and communication needs with them.

What people expect

I have care and support that is coordinated, and everyone works well together and with me.

I have care and support that enables me to live as I want to, seeing me as a unique person with skills, strengths and goals.


Information received from the public is managed and processed online via the integrated front door Trafford Community Adults Screening Team.

Upon receipt of a referral the team will take the following action:

  • check that all of the necessary information is included on the referral form. ‘Necessary information’ is a level of information that will enable the receiving team to be able to immediately and effectively prioritise the referral.

The referral will be screened and prioritised against the statutory criteria of the Care Act.

It must be identified if the person has consented to the referral and / or if the person has the capacity to provide informed consent. If the latter applies it must be determined who has made the best interest decision to raise the concern when and why.

Decision making is influenced by:

  • information on the referral form;
  • consent;
  • immediate safety / risk concerns;
  • actions taken by the care provider / agency or others involved;
  • the above plus any additional gathered information, which is used to inform a decision / recommendation from the Adults Screening Team.

The process for ensuring the service users’ desired outcomes for any potential action or intervention are also captured at screening.

Initial enquiries are then reviewed and processed by experienced social workers who, based upon professional judgement will evaluate if further information or actions are required from the Council.

At this point the decision may be made that the referral did not meet criteria to progress further, however if further decision is required the Adults Screening Team will forward the referral including all the additional information to the relevant local community team.

This ensures measures are undertaken to ensure that everyone involved works towards the wishes and desires of the adult and that provided information does not have to be duplicated and is acted upon appropriately.

All actions and interventions aim to improve people’s independence and wellbeing by promoting personalised care and developing support services that best fit around their lives. With the agreement of the service user, or their relevant other, a member of the Adults Screening Team will ensuring feedback is provided to the referrer.

Upon the receipt of a referral from the Adults Screening Team, the community social work senior practitioner, working in conjunction with the duty social worker, will prioritise the referral against urgency, risk and the existing team workload.

Alternatively a social care worker may be allocated and meet with the person, and relevant other people,  to undertake further enquiry and assessment.

When completed the information will be reviewed with consideration for the service user’s outcomes, and discussed with them to determine whether any additional actions and support planning if any services are required.

All these stages are recorded, service users informed or involved as preferred, the desired outcome and written documents from the above process are shared with all involved with service user’s agreement.

On a required basis, agreed with the individual and achieved within the statutory framework, a review of needs and any support of services agreed will be completed.

Further Reading

Relevant chapters


The Customer Journey: Trafford Teams and Services

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