These operational procedures reflect the requirements of the Care Act 2014, and promote the importance of understanding an individual’s experience, preferred outcomes and wishes and feelings when planning any support to enable ownership of outcomes. This means people are offered the support they need to promote their independence and active involvement in their communities.
Trafford has a firm commitment to developing the right leadership and management, a comprehensive programme of training, supervision and professional support and positive organisational systems to enable staff to work in emotionally intelligent, creative, person centred ways to deliver quality outcomes for service users.
Trafford has implemented a strategy which strives to ensure that referrals are appropriately screened and that enquiries and subsequent required actions are completed to the required timely standard, ensuring that individuals who require the need are also able to access support from the independent advocacy service.
In Trafford this is achieved by:
- ensuring all support responds to people’s individual needs and links to universal community options regardless of where they live;
- all adults and their families are put at the centre of processes enabling them to express their wishes and feelings, promoting a person centred approach to all decision making;
- personalising the support that families receive by working holistically in partnership with services across education, health, third sector, community options and social care, ensuring that people have access to independent information, advice and support, including peer support and mentoring, to make informed decisions about their care and support, or personal budget management;
- promoting new collaborative ways of working that support people to actively engage in the design, delivery and evaluation of services;
- developing local partnerships to co-produce a range of services for people to choose from and opportunities for social inclusion and community development;
- promoting the role of the carer’s centre and the services it can offer, in contact with all carers;
- embedding early intervention, reablement and prevention so that people are supported early and in a way that is right for them;
- commissioners undertaking reviews with providers involving service users to promote continuous service improvement.