This chapter outlines the safeguarding adult plan review and closing cases.


Stage 5: Evaluation and Outcome

1. Introduction

With the input of the adult (or their representative) and the support of relevant and experienced practitioners, the chair and members of the evaluations meeting will discuss and consider current levels of risk and make decisions about the mitigation of future risks. This may include recommending what action is appropriate where the allegation was not substantiated or was inconclusive, but where concerns remain about standards of care. A date for a review meeting must be agreed at the evaluation / outcomes meeting.

The purpose of the review process is to:

  • Evaluate the ongoing effectiveness of the safeguarding adult plan;
  • Evaluate whether the plan is continuing to meet/achieve the adult’s outcomes;
  • Evaluate levels of current and ongoing risk.

Following a review of the safeguarding adults plan, the safeguarding enquiry lead should consider one of the following outcomes:

  • the safeguarding adult plan is no longer required;
  • the safeguarding adult plan needs to continue. Any changes or revisions to the plan should be made, new review timescales set and the lead professional to monitor and review the plan must be identified;
  • The safeguarding plan can be incorporated into other care and support processes. For example, it may be appropriate to integrate safeguarding interventions into the person’s ongoing support plans.

2. Closure

Safeguarding adult enquiries and / or plans can be closed in the following circumstances:

  • information identifies the safeguarding process is no longer required;
  • at any time where the safeguarding adult plan is no longer required;
  • an adult with capacity who has care and support needs removes consent to continue with the safeguarding enquiry and / or plan and there are no overriding public or vital interest considerations that would overrule their wishes.

The safeguarding adult plan will no longer be required when the adult is no longer experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect, or risks have reduced to the level that they can adequately and appropriately be managed or monitored through the single agency processes, for example assessment and support planning processes.

Decisions about concluding the safeguarding adult procedures should be made by, or in agreement with, the local lead agency, and should be clearly recorded with the rationale for the decision.

Their decision making must be informed by the wishes and feelings of the adult concerned and take into account feedback from other concerned and involved parties. The outcome should be clearly recorded with a rationale for the decision.

When the safeguarding adult enquiry is concluded, feedback on the outcome should be shared with the following agencies / individuals as appropriate:

  • the adult;
  • their representative or advocate;
  • the person / agency that raised the adult safeguarding concern (if this is agreed, legal and appropriate);
  • the person / agency that were identified as the potential source of risk;
  • any other involved stakeholder agency/individual.

The consent of the adult to share information should be gained, and usual information sharing protocols adhered to.

Information relating to all stages of the enquiry must be recorded, and all signed records uploaded into Liquid Logic. The practitioner must complete these actions prior to agreeing closure with their line manager.

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