These policies and procedures reflect the commitment of all organisations and practitioners in Trafford to work together to safeguard adults who are experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect. They are based on a shared understanding of the principles that underpin the Care Act 2014; namely promoting wellbeing and putting adults at the centre of the safeguarding process.

These policies and procedures aim to provide a structure to enable all agencies to work in partnership with adults, their carers and our local communities to:

  • protect and empower those at risk from being harmed, abused, exploited or neglected;
  • safeguard people in a way which supports them to have choice and control about how they want to live;
  • safeguard and protect people in a way that focuses on improving their life and wellbeing and supports them to achieve the outcomes they choose;
  • respond sensitively and consistently to reported incidents of self-neglect and abuse;
  • put in place plans to protect and assist the adult in the best way for them;
  • support carers who may themselves be vulnerable or who are experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect;
  • provide a clear process for all staff including those who work in all provider organisations so that all staff and volunteers are clear about their role and responsibilities in the protection of the vulnerable people with whom they work;
  • ensure regular monitoring is in place when concerns have been raised;
  • raise public awareness so that communities are supported to contribute in preventing, identifying and responding to abuse and neglect;
  • ensure that information is available which is accessible in ways that helps people:
    • understand the different types of abuse and enables people to support themselves to stay safe;
    • understand how and where to raise concerns about themselves or other individuals.

All organisations involved in adult safeguarding are asked to adopt these policies and procedures in respect of their relevant roles and functions. Each agency must also have its own local operational safeguarding guidance that reflects these Borough wide procedures. Agencies should also include any additional internal practice, procedures or protocols as appropriate or relevant to their particular organisations.

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