Trafford Adults at Risk Group (TARGet)

TARGet is a multi-agency Group led by Greater Manchester Police. It was established in 2011 and was set up by adult safeguarding leads in Trafford. The agencies represented are the police (who chair the meeting) from both the Trafford Public Protection Investigation Unit (PPIU) and the Division, the local authority, Phoenix Futures (alcohol), AIMS (substance misuse), housing, mental health practitioners, support workers and any other professional with a vested interest in the individual adult.

The group meets every four weeks where, on average, 10 cases are discussed. The aim of the group is to support adults at risk who fall outside of the usual remit of safeguarding categories (see Categories of Abuse and Neglect). For example, people may be experiencing harassment, name calling or physical harm at the hands of other people. These types of matters can quickly escalate to become more serious and potentially dangerous incidents. The group aims to identify and intervene early and, through careful targeted action, to reduce the risk of such behaviours / incidents before they become more serious crimes. Usually, the cases that are referred to TARGet are identified where there has been an escalation in the calls to the police involving a vulnerable person.

TARGet is a forum to explore multi-agency involvement and interventions to reduce risk and the demand on emergency resources. People referred into this arena may be users of substances and / or, alcohol and / or be experiencing mental and/or physical ill health. The person may also be frequently accessing health services, including mental health services, the accident and emergency department or GP services. The person may make regular contact with the police service or are considered to be at risk from mate / hate crime or other forms of abuse and exploitation by others in their local community.

At the meetings, the agencies involved discuss the issues and decide who is best placed to offer support to the adult. This is often a multi-agency approach; for example police officers from the local neighbourhood team conducting joint visits with housing officers / support workers or other practitioners in order to address issues and provide support.

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